Is Work Stress Causing You To Do Drink Excessively? 3 Signs That You Need Substance Abuse Treatment To Preserve Your Career

Working your way up the career ladder is stressful, and maybe you used to find that a drink or two after work helped you relax. Unfortunately, that one glass of wine has turned into multiple drinks before you can achieve the same relaxing effects that you used to enjoy. In fact, you may have even found that drinking every night after work only leads to more problems, and you are now stuck in a vicious cycle that is the nature of alcohol addiction. Read More 

Your Kids, Your Prescription Medications And Substance Abuse Counseling: What You Need To Know

Prescription drug abuse has been rising steadily in the last decade. Children and teens are especially susceptible, since they can access their parents' medicine cabinets and take pills from their parents. Worst still, more teens die from a prescription drug overdose than a street drug overdose of some of the harder illegal drugs (e.g., cocaine, heroin, meth, etc.). If you discover that your child has been sneaking drugs from your pill bottles and medicine cabinet, here is what you need to know about childrens substance abuse counseling and treatment programs. Read More 

5 Tips For Dealing With Insomnia

If you suffer from insomnia, know that you are not alone. According to the Sleep Health Foundation, one in three people deal with at least mild insomnia. Whether it is caused by certain medicines or anxiety, not being able to fall asleep can certainly be frustrating. However, making a few lifestyle changes may improve your insomnia. Here are five helpful tips for dealing with insomnia: Exercise at the Right Times of the Day Read More 

Helping Victims In Need Of Medical Attention In A Disaster

When a natural disaster occurs, such as an earthquake or hurricane, the need for experienced medical help increases greatly. This is especially true for victims in foreign nations where access to hospitals or medical attention is not as easy to come by. For those with a background in medical care, volunteering to help during a crisis provides an invaluable service that may help to save lives. If you work in the medical field and are interested in volunteering during a disaster, here is what you need to know. Read More 

Treating Anxiety Through Alternative Medicine

When you suffer from anxiety, the entire world can seem a difficult, if not impossible place to navigate. Even simple tasks fill you with dread and worry and you have a tough time with the daily tasks that many people take for granted as being easy. And while you may be seeking out conventional treatments like medication and counseling from companies like The Center for Family Counseling, Inc., you may also find yourself looking for alternative medicine treatments to help further improve your situation and overcome your anxiety that much faster. Read More