Indicators That Your Psychiatric Diagnosis Isn’t Right

You've been told that you have a certain psychiatric condition, but something about it doesn't seem quite right. You might read as much about the condition as you can, and while you do have some of the symptoms, the whole picture of the illness is not a good reflection of what you are experiencing.  How can you reasonably tell that your diagnosis was in error, and what can you do about it? Read More 

How To Form An Attachment With Your Adopted Baby

Many people don't like to talk about it, but it's very common to not feel an immediate connection with your adopted baby. You've been working on getting a baby to adopt for months, you're worn out and anxious, and you might not be in the right frame of mind to make an immediate attachment. Don't worry. Here are some ways to form an attachment with your adopted baby. 1. Spend Time With Your Baby Read More 

5 Strategies To Combat Feelings Of Worthlessness

If you have been troubled by feelings of worthlessness, this can lead to a serious depression. It certainly will rob you of much of your enjoyment of life. There are five strategies to counteract these feelings that you could find helpful. 1. Turn those "To Do Lists" on their heads. One trick you may find useful is to avoid making To Do lists at the beginning of the day. You may have some unrealistic expectations about what you can accomplish, and you aren't factoring in things and people that can interrupt your good intentions. Read More 

How A Parent’s Inappropriate Emotional Behavior Could Be Hurting You

If you have a relationship with your parent that feels uncomfortable some of the time, causes you frustration, or is causing problems for you with your partner and children, you may be a victim of emotional incest. This article is about how to recognize and distinguish it from a normal relationship along with acknowledging the effects it may have had on you, and how to get help to cope with this situation. Read More 

Five Ways To Avoid Feeling Guilty For Being Depressed

If you are experiencing major depression, you know that its effects are seriously impacting your life and also the lives of people around you. The guilt from your inability to get over it quickly can be immense, and can compound your problem. Here are five ways to feel better about the situation and avoid feeling guilty. 1. Consider what people have to say. You don't have to waste time on people who want to foist wacky remedies on you, but if someone close to you takes the time to come over and urge to you get out of bed when you are in a deep funk and fusses at you affectionately for your neglect of personal hygiene, go on and take that shower and put on some clean clothes. Read More