What You Need To Know About Depression

Depression is a potentially debilitating mental health condition. Depression impacts how you live your life, causes sadness, affects relationships, and robs you of activities and things you used to enjoy. Thankfully, depression is highly treatable with the right combination of treatment options. If you believe you are suffering from depression, consider the following information:

Is There More Than One Type of Depression?

To be certain you have depression, you need a proper diagnosis. Depression is diagnosed through an evaluation with a mental health professional. There is more than one type of depression, and your level of treatment may vary based on the type of depression you are diagnosed with.

Some types of depression include major depressive disorder, seasonal affective disorder, persistent depressive disorder, and post-partum depression.

How Is Depression Treated?

Treating depression is a process. You will work with your mental health professional to determine the best course of treatment for your depression. The most common forms of treatment are therapy and prescription antidepressant medication. Keep in mind that it can take some time to nail down a healthy treatment based on your circumstances. You may have to change medications until you find one that works best for you. You might need more therapy sessions to help you cope with your depression. You and your mental health team will come up with the best options for you.

Does Counseling Help Depression?

"Talk therapy" is a common form of treatment for depression. This is typically the first step to treating depression. The severity of the depression symptoms and the amount of time you have been dealing with them will typically impact how your depression is treated. You can begin your therapy with a counselor to talk through the issues you are dealing with. You will discuss how those issues are negatively impacting your life. The counselor will listen to you, give you feedback, and help you develop some strategies to help you cope. Your counselor may have you do some work at home to fully evaluate your level of depression. The work will also be used to evaluate your progress. You will attend sessions with a counselor on a basis you both agree to, though weekly sessions are common.

If you are feeling depressed and do not know where to start, research some local mental health clinics in your local area. Seek referrals from friends or relatives if you feel comfortable doing so. Above all, be sure to get help if you think you need it.
