Support Your Sobriety With A Strong Support Network

If you are working hard to recover from an addiction to drugs or alcohol, it is necessary to build a strong support network around you. When you are in the early stages of recovery and you go to a supervised detox center, you will be told about the benefits of peer support as you learn about addiction and how to better manage on a daily basis. As you meet new people on your journey, you will find that those who are healing and working hard will be open to making a connection. As you grow your network of support, adding in adult counseling services will be the professional help you need to learn more about addiction and get neutral advice.

Be Honest In Your Interactions

When you engage with others who are also working on sobriety, it's important to be honest in your interactions. While you don't have to share every intimate detail of your life, you don't want to be misleading in what you are sharing. If you don't feel like talking in a particular group, you can always ask to pass for the time being. If you are in therapy and you feel like shutting down because the questions get too hard, let your therapist know you are feeling uncomfortable.

Ask For Contact Information

If you are out in the community and you attend AA/NA meetings, it's acceptable to ask for contact information in order to begin making connections with others. These are people who are going to understand what you are going through to stay sober, and they are the ones you can call when you feel like abusing substances. You will be able to learn from your peers when you make connections and you reach out when you are feeling stressed.

Talk to Your Friends and Family

While your friends and family may not fully understand what you are going through, it can help to let people know you are working on your sobriety. Talk to your adult counseling services provider about what to say to family and friends who don't quite know how to help you stay sober. You may learn new ways to communicate with loved ones so that you feel more support and less isolated.

Recovering from an addiction to drugs or alcohol takes work. To get the support you need, it's vital to meet other people and work with a counselor who understands addiction.
